On-shore FER plants
Brazil has some of the best winds in the world.
The global report of the GWEC wind power market (Global World Energy Council) states that the wind is three times higher than the country's electricity needs.
Furthermore, Brazilian capacity factors are above the global average. While in other countries an average of 25% is reached, in Brazil it is more than 50%.
The wind quality and the capacity factor that is recorded year after year place Brazil in a position of leadership in the world scenario of wind energy generation.
BI is developing together with important companies in the agri-food sector (sugar cane distillation, cajù cultivation), which have enormous availability of land. Part of the wind and photovoltaic plants that will be built will be used for the production of energy and heat for domestic consumption. Other plants may be designed and developed at the request of investors
BI is signing agreements, also, with big land owners of over 50,000 hectares of land to design and implement large wind and photovoltaic plants at the request of investors.
BI is signing agreements with pioneer companies in the renewable energy segment in Brazil that have developed many projects already implemented and which have a pipeline of wind projects to be built of over 2,000 MW and another of photovoltaic projects to be built of over 1,500 MW.
For all investments in the wind and the photovoltaic sectors it is possible to have very interesting bank loans.
Aiming at the Project economic viability, the investor will be able to count on the financial support options of some Brazilian banks, below will be mentioned some financing possibilities, being.
I. Financing through BNB (Banco do Nordeste do Brasil)
The BNB (https://www.bnb.gov.br) opens credit for Wind projects with up to 80% participation of the project value. The financing has up to 20 years terms, grace period of up to eight years and interest of 5,9% pa. (With 15% bonus).
II. Financing through BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social)
The BNDES (https://www.bndes.gov.br/wps/portal/site/home) offers financing for renewable energy projects with up to 80% participation, maximum 16 years financing term with a grace period of six months aftes the commercial operation. The BNDES interest rate is composed of:
Interest Rate = Financial Cost + BNDES Basic Risk + Credit Risk Rate