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Distribuited generation

BI has a commercial agreement with ATB Riva Calzoni, an Italian company that produces small wind turbines (up to 1 MW), for distributed wind generation.

For information on wind turbines click on the link below.


For photovoltaic technology BI does not have an exclusive commercial agreement with a company.

This is because there are many companies that sell modules and photovoltaic systems and it is not convenient, economically, to bind to one company.

Smart meter

Our smart meter was designed and implemented by Creta Energie Speciali, an Italian company of our group, a spin-off from the University of Calabria.

Our smart meter is capable of acquiring and sending all electrical quantities, such as: voltages, currents, active power, reactive power, active energy, reactive energy and power factor, making the distinction between power and energy input, absorbed , produced by a possible generation plant (such as photovoltaic) and the total power absorbed by the loads.

The frequency of acquisition of such quantities can be chosen by the user based on their needs, such as controlling the loading and unloading of an accumulation system or implementing Demand Response programs.


Our nanogrid was projected and implemented by Crete Energie Speciali, an Italian company of our group, a spin-off from the University of Calabria.

Our nanogrid is able to integrate and manage different generation systems, mainly from renewable sources, creating a polygeneration system, including storage systems.

More nanogrids are able to interact with each other, being able to exchange energy, either through a local micro-network or through the distributor network.

LED lamp

Our LED lamp was designed and implemented by Creta Energie Speciali, an Italian company of our group, a spin-off from the University of Calabria.

Our LED lamp operates off grid, has a lithium accumulation (internal) and is powered by a rotating photovoltaic panel.


The microwave sensor on board the device allows the detection of moving parts in the vicinity of the device. The adopted sensor, compared to traditional infrared (PIR) technology, operates in larger spaces and distances larger than the center of the device.

Wind generation

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